An investment in knowledge pays the best interest. - Benjamin Franklin

Prices and Inflation

Energy Market

  • Oil (West Texas Intermediate): Is based on the physical price of delivery at the Cushing, OK (USA) pipeline, which serves as the exchange and settlement price for NYMEX future contracts.

  • Gasoline Price Per Gallon: is based on the all-formulation average of consumer gas prices per gallon in the United States.

  • Natural Gas (Henry Hub): Refers to the current market price of natural gas at the Henry Hub, a major natural gas pipeline hub located in Erath, Louisiana, USA.

Employment and Labor Market

Manufacturing and Production

Financial Markets and Interest Rates

  • Beige Book: Provides anecdotal information on economic conditions in each of the 12 Federal Reserve districts.

  • Federal Funds Rate: The interest rate set by the Federal Reserve that affects the cost of borrowing money for banks and other financial institutions.

  • Treasury Yield Curve Rates: Interest rates on U.S. Treasury securities of different maturities are used to assess investors' expectations about future economic conditions.

  • Mortgage Rates: Interest rates on mortgages affect the cost of borrowing money for homebuyers.

  • Stock Market Indices: Measures of the performance of stock markets, which reflect investors' expectations about the future profitability of businesses.

  • Commodity Price Indices: Measures of the prices of commodities, such as oil and metals, which are used to assess the supply and demand conditions in global markets.

  • Exchange Rates: Measures of the value of one currency in relation to another currency, which are used to assess the competitiveness of different countries and the impacts of international trade on the economy.

Consumer Spending and Housing Market

Personal Income, Spending, Saving, and Debt

Economic Size and Value

Economic Trends and Conditions

International Trade and Transactions